Focus on Crime: Data Drives Strategy

February 26, 2016 0

by Thomas P. Healy In one of his first official acts, Mayor Joe Hogsett tapped former public safety director Troy Riggs to serve as chief of police and deploy a data-driven cure to what the […more…]

Canal Esplanade Flows Forward

February 22, 2016 0

The City of Indianapolis is reviewing bids for the Canal Esplanade—a major enhancement of the Central Canal Towpath between Guilford and College avenues. The project complements The Coil apartments project currently under construction adjacent to […more…]

Public Art Planned Near Monon

February 22, 2016 0

Buckingham Construction Company is proposing to install a piece of public art with landscaping enhancements near the intersection of 61st Street and the Monon Trail in Broad Ripple. The site is at the northwest corner […more…]

The Spider Gets a Makeover

February 22, 2016 1

Reconnecting to our Waterways (ROW) allocated $90,450 to Destination Fall Creek in 2014 for a plan and design to transform the spiderlike intersection at Delaware Street and Fall Creek Parkway from a jumble of signs, […more…]

A national treasure in our midst

February 20, 2016 0

by Thomas P. Healy Midtown is home to Marion County’s second largest greenspace: Crown Hill Cemetery. A burial place for poets and politicians as well as criminals and crime fighters, Crown Hill is an exemplar […more…]


February 13, 2016 0

Indy Rezone, the city’s new comprehensive zoning ordinance, was approved by the City-County Council and adopted by the Metropolitan Development Commission in 2015. A new code normally would have taken effect Jan. 1, 2016, but […more…]

Midtown TIF: Designed for Success

February 8, 2016 0

by Thomas P. Healy With two projects under way and more in the planning stages, the North Midtown Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District is off to a good start to fulfill its mission of stimulating […more…]

December 2015 Levee Update

February 5, 2016 0

The Indianapolis City-County Council has given the go-ahead to the Department of Public Works (DPW) to make an offer to the Riviera Club to acquire property that will help complete Section 3B2 of the Indy […more…]

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