WALKWAYS: Walking the Talk

December 30, 2016 0

by Thomas P. Healy Foot-travelers got a running start this year with the adoption of Indianapolis’ first pedestrian plan [PDF], part of the county’s comprehensive plan. The plan is designed to provide a long-term vision […more…]

The Progress and the Promise of Midtown

December 9, 2016 0

by Michael McKillip Great strides have been made during 2016 to fulfill the premise and the promise of the Midtown Future Plan to foster collective impact and mutual benefit. By balancing the needs of businesses, […more…]

IMPD in the North District

December 9, 2016 0

by Chris Bavender It’s been a year of changes for public security in Indianapolis: Mayor Joe Hogsett took office in January 2016 and appointed a new chief, Troy Riggs, to lead the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police […more…]

Red Line Update

December 9, 2016 0

By Thomas P. Healy Advocates of smart growth acknowledge the importance of transportation options to expand economic opportunity to more citizens as part of a broad-based strategy to create mixed-use, walkable places that serve citizens […more…]

Transit Referendum Results in Midtown

December 9, 2016 0

Five City-County Council districts overlap Midtown and in each case a majority of voters favored increasing local investment in transit. So what’s next? According to Mark Fisher, who has been the Indy Chamber’s lead transit […more…]