Keystone Monon Neighborhood News

February 28, 2019 1

Thanks to the efforts of an area nonprofit, quarterly meetings of the Keystone Monon Neighborhood Association (KMNA) have resumed and will continue throughout 2019. The group’s future was in flux last October, when president MaryAnna […more…]

IndyGo Shifts Into Overdrive

February 19, 2019 0

by Thomas P. Healy In an attempt to make up for lost time caused by federal government delays, IndyGo is accelerating Red Line construction in the College Avenue corridor through May. According to Transportation for […more…]

A Record of Progress

February 17, 2019 0

by Michael McKillip Since the Historic Midtown Neighborhood Initiative was launched as HARMONI in 2007, the district’s 17 diverse neighborhoods have experienced tremendous change. Eleven years ago, the country was suffering in the Great Recession […more…]

Red Line Meetings – February 19

February 16, 2019 0

The first Red Line public meetings of 2019 are scheduled for Tuesday, February 19 at the Indianapolis Art Center, 820 East 67th Street. IndyGo Route #18 serves this location. Two sessions are scheduled: 11 a.m. […more…]

Complete Streets Fight Cancer

February 1, 2019 0

February is National Cancer Prevention month by Caleb Levell To prevent cancer, the best medicine is often as simple as reducing cancer risk by modifying daily lifestyle behaviors. In Indiana, death rates from all cancers […more…]