On January 19, the Metropolitan Development Commission (MDC) unanimously approved a rezoning petition for 1140 E, 46th St. to allow Onyx+East to invest $14.7 million in a residential development along the Monon Trail in the Keystone-Monon neighborhood.
The development will consist of 55 three-story attached single-family townhomes in sizes ranging from 1,270 sq. ft. to 1,876 sq. ft. with prices ranging from high $200,000s to the low $400,000s. Three attached units will have frontage on 46th Street, 12 attached units will have frontage along Carvel Ave. and 40 units will front either the Monon Trail, a central courtyard (see image above) or private streets within the 2.75 acre site.
With a density of 22 units/acre, the development exceeds the standard Traditional Neighborhood typology density of 5 to 15 units/acre standard in the Pattern Book that regulates development in Marion County. However, the typology does allow increased density for projects “[i]f the development is within a quarter mile of a frequent transit line, greenway, or park.” The site is in close proximity to the Red Line BRT station at 46th and College Ave., the Monon Trail, and Arsenal Park.
The project site is located across the street from the Monon 46 development that received MDC approval in late 2021 and is expected to begin construction soon.
Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD) staff were supportive of the overall project, including density, but expressed concern about proposed connections to the Monon Trail. Staff requested that connections to the popular rail trail be prohibited, “[u]nless connections are reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works, Greenways Section.” Further, Staff stipulated that landscaping plans must be submitted for DMD Administrator’s approval prior to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit that complies with the Comprehensive Plan’s Green Factor.
According to Audrey Streitz, development associate at Onyx+East, construction is anticipated to begin in September/October of 2022 with the first units available for purchase in summer, 2023.