Indy Midtown Magazine has been posting regular updates about the state’s response to the public health emergency. This post archives all July 2020 updates. View updates from March 2020 or April 2020 or May 2020 or June 2020.
July 31
Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 912 new cases were recorded for July 30. A total of 66,154 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 747,383 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,765 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 30
In response to the growing number of positive cases in the state, Governor Eric Holcomb today signed an executive order extending the public health emergency declaration to September 3, 2020. [PDF] The order takes effect on August 3, when it was originally scheduled to expire. Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 970 new cases were recorded for July 29. A total of 65,253 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 735,848 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,746 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 29
Citing a persistent high positivity rate for COVID-19 cases, Governor Eric Holcomb announced today he is extending the state’s “pause” at phase 4.5 of the Back on Track Plan through August 27. [PDF] “This virus will take what we give it,” he said during his weekly briefing. “It has caused us to say we’re going to remain here through August 27.” Additionally, Gov. Holcomb said he will further extend the moratoria on evictions and utility disconnections through August 17.
Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 630 new cases were recorded for July 28. A total of 64,299 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 724,238 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,733 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.

July 28
Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 809 new cases were recorded for July 27. A total of 63,678 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 716,809 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,725 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 27
According to the nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization, The Marshall Project, there have been at least 15,707 cases of coronavirus reported among prison staff in Indiana of which 8,195 have recovered. The week of July 21, “new cases and deaths among staff this week are at their highest levels since we began tracking this data.” More online.

Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 561 new cases were recorded for July 26. A total of 63,907 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 709,791 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,709 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 24
Governor Eric Holcomb today signed an executive order effective Monday, July 27 that requires citizens to wear face coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19. [PDF] However, he backed off his previous intention to make violations of the order a misdemeanor. The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 1011 new cases were recorded for July 23. A total of 60,598 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 678,749 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,687 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 23
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 954 new cases were recorded for July 22. A total of 59,602 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 666,283 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,683 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 22
Governor Eric Holcomb announced today that he will sign an executive order requiring face coverings in public to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The order will take effect Monday, July 27, and apply to people ages 8 and up who must wear face coverings at public indoor spaces, commercial establishments, public transportation and vehicle services like taxi/ride share, and outdoor public spaces when socially distancing from people who aren’t in your household isn’t possible. Face coverings will be mandatory for students in Grade 3 and up as well as for faculty, staff, volunteers and anyone else in schools. Masks will be required for co-curricular & extra-curricular activities with exceptions for strenuous physical activity.
The move comes as Indiana’s infection rate continues to increase.
If only 2.8% of the population have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, 97.2% of the population have not been infected and could still get the virus. The risk for a large outbreak that could dwarf the initial wave is still very real.
– Nir Menachemi, professor of health policy and management at IUPUI
Random Testing in Indiana Shows COVID-19 Six Times Deadlier than Flu
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 763 new cases were recorded for July 21. A total of 58,673 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 654,413 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,666 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 21
According to data compiled by data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University and published by NPR, Indiana has seen a 57% increase in cases compared to 2 weeks ago – the 13th largest percentage increase in the country. Daily cases are a 7-day average to smooth out day-to-day variations in the data.
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 734 new cases were recorded for July 20. A total of 57,916 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 644,805 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,652 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 20
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 658 new cases were recorded for July 19. A total of 57,206 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 635,660 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,632 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 19
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 926 new cases were recorded for July 18 – the most since April 26 and an alarming continuation of daily increases in positive tests. A total of 56,548 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 626,880 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,629 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 18
The upward trend in new cases continues as the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 855 Hoosiers tested positive July 17. A total of 55,654 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19 – a number that includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 614,455 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,627 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 17
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 54,813 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 604,635 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 747 new cases were identified July 16 and 2,610 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 16
The financial impacts of the pandemic are clear in the State of Indiana’s 2020 Year-End Report released today [PDF] by the State Budget Agency. Fiscal Year (FY) 20, which ended June 30, 2020, began with almost $2.3 billion in reserves. After using approximately $900 million of the available reserves to offset revenue shortfall due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the deferral of tax payments from April to July, FY20 ended with reserves of $1.4 billion.
In the fourth quarter, when shutdowns for the pandemic were widespread, revenues dropped 26.7%. The month of April showed the greatest revenue decline – 44% below projected revenues. Details for the 2020 Year-End Report can be found online.
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 735 new positive cases were reported in the state July 14. Additionally, 54,080 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 595,558 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,602 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
According to an article published today by Center for Public Integrity, the White House Coronavirus Task Force prepared a document dated July 14 that was not publicized. It outlines measures states can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Indiana was listed in the yellow zone for cases, i.e. between 10 to 100 new cases per 100,000 population last week. The state’s test positivity rate of 5% to 10% also places it in the yellow zone.
According to the report, “Strong action now can prevent a large resurgence in cases. The cancellation of the state fair and requirement in Marion County for wearing masks are good decisions.”
Recommendations include protecting nursing home residents and staff, intensifying contact tracing efforts, and mandating cloth face coverings. Further, “In all counties with 7-day average test positivity greater than 10%, close bars, require strict social distancing within restaurants, close and limit gatherings to 10 or fewer people.” According to ISDH statistics, the state is hovering at 9.1% positivity. The Regenstrief Institute COVID-19 Dashboard puts positive test results in Marion County at 17.74%.
July 15
With the number of cases on the rise, Governor Eric Holcomb announced today that Indiana would remain at stage 4.5 for two more weeks instead of reopening July 17, as originally planned. The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 700 new positive cases were reported in the state July 14. Additionally, 53,370 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 586,589 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,592 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 14
A national study of affordable housing costs finds that even before the onset of the pandemic, low-wage workers in Indiana are struggling to pay the rent.
The Out of Reach report was jointly released today by Prosperity Indiana, a statewide community development network, and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), a research and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C.
In a statement, Jessica Love, Prosperity Indiana’s executive director said, “Data shows that the typical renter income is insufficient to afford rental housing in 80 of Indiana’s 92 counties — and in all 92 for low-income renters — and that’s before the economic and income disruptions caused by COVID-19.”
To afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent in Indiana, full-time workers need to earn $16.32 per hour. A typical renter in Indiana pre-COVID-19 earns $14.44. The report ranks Indiana 39 out of 50 states. [PDF]
Citing data in the report, Prosperity Indiana notes that a worker earning the State’s minimum wage of $7.25 must have 1.8 full-time jobs or work 73 hours per week to afford a modest one-bedroom apartment (up from 71 hours in 2019). To afford a two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent, that same Hoosier must have 2.3 full-time jobs or work 90 hours per week (up from 88 hours in 2019).
“This pandemic has certainly highlighted the very harsh reality of living at the edge of housing stability – often just one paycheck away from homelessness,” Love said. “We must begin to proactively address the housing affordability issue.”
July 13
According to Brittany Yarnell, a Syndromic Surveillance Epidemiologist with the Marion County Public Health Department, Indiana has joined most of the country in rapidly increasing the number of newly confirmed COVID-19 cases. “In the past 2.5 weeks, the 7-day average in newly confirmed cases per day in Indiana has risen from its low of 351 to 519 July 12,” she wrote in a situation report. Yarnell reported that the 7-day average percent of SARS-COV-2 laboratory tests that are positive has increased from mid-June low 4.3% to 8.8% for the USA2, from 3.4% to 7.1% for Indiana, and from 4.1% to 7.1% for Marion County3.
Additionally, Yarnell said statistics indicate Black and Latino individuals in the United States have been 2.5 to 3 times more likely to become a confirmed COVID-19 case than White non-Hispanic individuals. Some of this difference may be due to employment, with a larger portion of Latinos and Blacks having jobs that have been deemed essential, and may involve more exposure to other people, rather than jobs that may be performed via telecommuting4.
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 52,685 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 578,409 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,582 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 12
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 52,037 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 570,409 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,569 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 11
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 51,612 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 564,647 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,567 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 10
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 51,079 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 558,146 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,563 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 9
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 50,300 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 550,562 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,555 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 8
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 49,575 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 542,292 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,546 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 7
The Indiana PPE Directory launched today, replacing the Indiana Small Business PPE Marketplace and providing a long-term solution to ensure reliable and credible access to PPE, particularly for small businesses and nonprofits.
The Indiana PPE Directory, available at backontrack.in.gov, features a listing of Hoosier companies that manufacture and/or distribute PPE items, such as face masks, face shields, gloves, eye protection, hand sanitizer and disinfectant.
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 49,063 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 535,857 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,539 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 6
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 48,626 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 530,075 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,524 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 5
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 48,331 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 526,592 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,505 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 4
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 48,008 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 521,722 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,500 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.
July 2
Citing a need for caution, Governor Eric Holcomb hit the brakes on the State’s Back on Track Plan to reopen businesses. “While most of our health indicators remain positive, our data indicates a need to be extra cautious, which is why we will pause much of our Back on Track roadmap,” he said during his weekly update. He signed an executive order extending the public health emergency through Aug. 3. [PDF]
Through at least July 17, the following restrictions will continue:
- Following the CDC’s social distancing guidelines, social gatherings remain limited to up to 250 people. This limit applies to wedding receptions, parties, and other events where people are in close physical contact for extended periods of time, particularly indoors.
- Dining room food service may continue operations at up to 75 percent capacity as long as social distancing is observed. Bar seating in restaurants may continue operations at 50 percent capacity. Bars and nightclubs may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity as long as they adhere to social distancing guidelines.
- Cultural, entertainment and tourism sites may continue operations at 50 percent capacity.
- Movie theaters, bowling alleys and similar facilities may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity.
- Amusement parks, water parks and similar facilities may continue operations open at 50 percent capacity.
- Raceways may continue operations open at 50 percent grandstand capacity.
Gov. Holcomb and Indiana State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box, also announced the launch of #MaskUpHoosiers – a statewide initiative to encourage Hoosiers to wear masks to limit the spread of COVID-19. While saying, “It’s really about protecting others,” he stopped short of issuing a mandatory statewide masking order, preferring to leave it in the hands of county and local officials.
July 1
The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reports that 46,387 Hoosiers have tested presumptively positive for COVID-19. This number includes results from ISDH and results submitted by private laboratories. Approximately 469,835 tests have been administered. Additionally, ISDH notes that 2,469 Hoosiers have succumbed to the disease. Daily updates are posted to the ISDH COVID-19 online dashboard.