Asphalt plants have opened for the season and the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) is taking advantage of the availability of hot-mix asphalt and warmer weather to begin strip patching. According to Mayor Joe Hogsett, “Locations for strip-patching will be found throughout Marion County, where the freeze and thaw, combined with tens of thousands of daily commuters, has been tough on our city’s major thoroughfares. That’s why we’re pulling out all the stops and putting everything we can into their repair.” Strip-patching utilizes specialized equipment the City acquired that mills the entire width of a travel lane before laying down a new surface along an extended stretch of roadway. The countywide list of locations for strip-patching includes the following Midtown locations:
- Meridian St. from 54th St. to 96th St
- Fall Creek Pkwy N. Dr. from Capital Ave to Pennsylvania St.
- 46th St. from Meridian St. to Keystone Ave.
- Boulevard Place from 47th St. to 52nd St.
Strip-patching utilizes specialized equipment the City acquired a few years ago. According to DPW, the machine mills the entire width of a travel lane before laying down a new surface along an extended roadway segment. In addition to strip-patching, DPW’s pothole-filling crews will now primarily use hot-mix asphalt which creates a more substantive patch since the hot-mix asphalt binds more completely to the existing roadway. DPW reports that up to 90 workers daily will be out in dry weather to patch potholes in response to service requests.
Report potholes via the Request Indy website, the mobile app on iPhone or Android, or by calling the Mayor’s Action Center at 317-327-4622.