Flood Wall Project

The Indianapolis North Flood Damage Reduction Project flood wall terminates in Butler University's Holcomb Gardens. IMM photo.

Construction on the Indianapolis North Flood Damage Reduction Project was completed in 2019 and provides 100-year flood protection to Midtown properties located in Broad Ripple, Butler-Tarkington, Meridian-Kessler, and Warfleigh. However, property owners with federally backed mortgages will still be required by lenders to buy flood insurance until the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) revises its flood maps after reviewing paperwork submitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) that certifies the construction project. According to Ben Easley, chief communications officer for the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW), the federal processes for certification and accreditation may be complete in 12 to 18 months.

While the Town of Rocky Ripple does not benefit from the recently completed floodwall construction, in 2019 the DPW established a Flood Control Improvement District [PDF] around the town boundaries as well as a portion of Butler University’s west campus. DPW issued a Request for Information in September seeking a qualified firm to undertake “a proposed Flood Risk Reduction Project along the West Fork White River at the Town of Rocky Ripple and Butler University.” Scope of the project includes “the delivery of final planning, design, construction, and accreditation of the proposed flood works, required permitting and mitigation efforts, land acquisition, associated flood plain revision, and planning for long-term operations and maintenance.” The Town of Rocky Ripple is forming a Floodwall Advisory Committee of up to nine residents who will gather information from neighbors and report community thoughts and desires to the Town Council to guide conversations with DPW.