Indianapolis Gets Smart

Transportation for America’s Smart Cities Collaborative has selected Indianapolis to join 21 cities in learning how to best reconfigure public right-of-way for multiple transportation options. The City’s Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD) and Department of Public Works (DPW) are partnering with IndyGo and other community organizations in the yearlong program. “There will be a lot of opportunity to think about how we can improve traffic flow,” said Meredith Klekotka, principal planner with DMD’s division of long-range planning. She said the Indy team will look at what the future of smart mobility could be in the city. “We’re looking at a lot of mobility hubs—multimodal transportation centers—that offer a mix of travel options: bikeshare stations next to transit access points or bike infrastructure next to Blue Indy.” She said cities around the country are struggling with mobility hubs and that the subject has come up during the Indy Moves planning process currently under way. “Having those key transfer points in our system—carshare to bike or to transit or to other modes—has come out of the Indy Moves process. We need to know how to best implement the opportunity provided by new tech for intelligent transportation systems.” Klekotka said Indy Moves partners are currently compiling public comments from previous outreach meetings. Share your comments on the Indy Moves website. A community workshop to present a draft of the long-range integrated transportation plan will likely occur in mid-to-late July.

READ MORE: Indy Moves to Coordinate Transportation Planning Efforts