MEC Public Meeting – Sept. 17, 2019

Rendering by w/purpose.

Sept. 17, 5:30 p.m., National, 215 E 38th St.,

The Midtown Economic Council (MEC) will hold a public meeting to consider making a recommendation in support of  proposed infrastructure improvements in the North Midtown Allocation Area. Proposed improvements include

  • College Ave. streetscape railings (see rendering) [PDF]
  • College Ave. alleyway resurfacing – [potential areas listed as #1 on PDF]
  • 54th Street resurfacing and sidewalk improvements
  • 42nd Street and Boulevard Place sidewalk improvements.

The MEC may make a non-binding recommendation to the Metropolitan Development Commission to use proceeds from the North Midtown TIF District to fund some, or all, or none of the projects.

The meeting will include a limited period for public comments/questions which may also be submitted in advance to: MEC c/o Midtown Indy, 3965 N Meridian St. Suite G, Indpls, IN 46208 or: