The Crown Hill Neighborhood Association (CHNA) has launched a community asset mapping project in the Mid-North neighborhood. According to CHNA president Danita Hoskin, the goal is not only to identify assets in the community but also to document community needs, “So we can see what assets we have and also see what are the needs of the individuals in our community,” she said. While community leaders can make assumptions about what the community wants, Hoskin noted that if the assumptions are faulty, “We’re not serving the community in its entirety, and that’s our goal. We want to serve as a connector for all of our community, residents as well as businesses.” The undertaking is funded by a Marion County Public Health Department grant which CHNA received thanks to the assistance of Val Tate Consulting. “We want people to know that when you see us out with clipboards or at community events, or if you receive the survey in the mail, please fill it out and send it back,” Hoskin said. In addition to documenting assets and needs, the survey will seek to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected residents. For more information or to volunteer, email
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