Monon Trail Bridge Over 38th Street

The City of Indianapolis was  awarded a $2 million grant in 2015 from the Federal Highway Administration’s Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program to construct a bicycle/pedestrian bridge for the Monon Trail across 38th Street. Mark Zwoyer, assistant administrator of the Department of Public Works, said the City was awarded the CMAQ grant to improve air quality by encouraging people to get out of their cars. A bicycle commuter himself, Zwoyer said crossing 38th Street can be daunting. “It’s not a comfortable crossing,” he said. In addition to creating a safer route for bicyclists and pedestrians, automobile flow along 38th street will be improved as well, he said. Though the graded approach ramp will extend far past the intersection, trail access from 38th St. will be maintained, he added. Zwoyer said the City was leveraging local funds to extend the project beyond the grant-funded bridge and add an access ramp to the Monon along Fairfield Ave. Design work is underway and the project is anticipated to go to bid in fall 2017 for construction in 2018.