A comprehensive plan for economic, ecological, and cultural enhancement of a 58-mile stretch of the White River was unveiled June 3 at the Indianapolis Art Center. The fruits of a partnership between the City of Indianapolis, Visit Indy, and Visit Hamilton County, the yearlong planning effort also received financial support from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. “This has been a tremendously collaborative process,” said Emily Mack, director of the City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD) and the City’s point person on the project.
The partnership hired Agency Landscape + Planning, a Cambridge, Massachusetts–based firm as lead planners and architects on the project. They assembled a team of national and regional experts, including local firms Ratio Architects and Land Story, to help craft the vision.
Seven “anchor” areas were identified along the corridor, including Broad Ripple. The vision plan seeks to build on efforts over the past decade to reconnect the Village with the White River and the Central Canal. The plan endorses the proposed Broad Ripple RiverWalk and makes the case for preserving the historic character of both the residential and commercial districts. View the draft plan here.